How We Operate

Unless otherwise instructed by you, upon receipt of your account for collection, we will immediately issue a letter of demand to your debtor, for payment within seven (7) days.
Where we consider it beneficial to make direct contact with your debtor, in order to emphasise the urgency of the situation and entice payment, then we will do so by telephone or in person. 
Upon expiry of the letter of demand, where no payment has been received or negotiated with your debtor and after conducting any necessary searches, may seek to immediately engage Solicitors on your behalf, to prepare and file a Summons into Court for issue and prompt service on your debtor.
“Remember that should we be able to add sufficient interest and solicitor costs to your claim, this will often recover more money for you!”
Once your Summons is issued by the Court, we will quickly attend to service, noting at that time any apparent assets, details of employment or other means of recovering your debt, and when possible, once again taking this opportunity to seek payment.
We’re nimble and will work with you on your instructions. For example; should you wish to immediately issue a Summons and waive the letter of demand, then these instructions will be efficiently carried out on your behalf.
We won’t bore you with the rest of the process, if you require further information please feel free to contact one of our debt collection specialists on the below details.

Call 1300 951 566 or Email us for an
Obligation-Free Assessment